Innumerable Messiahs

In 2013 I
spent four four months trying to live like Jesus, after coming across a Jesus
related weight loss plan online. I decided to go one step further, I dressed
like Jesus, eat like Jesus, and tried to complete Jesus related tasks such as
walking on water and washing feet. I tried to be as close to the character of
the Son of God as possible, but I fell short of making miracles. Instead of
walking on water I plunged into ponds, instead of creating a feeling of
holiness by washing peoples feet, I pretty sure it made them uncomfortable.
I wanted to highlight the role religion still has in the UK, in what we often think of as a secular western society. I wanted to point out Christianities left over residues, and the not particully helpful moralistic and judgmental hang up it still manifests within our society.
I managed to persuade to join in with my role play, the awkwardness of acting the religious fables taught to me as a child, seemed to bring humility to the protagonists and to disarm the stiff social codes of normal mother-daughter or daughter father relationships.
I wanted to highlight the role religion still has in the UK, in what we often think of as a secular western society. I wanted to point out Christianities left over residues, and the not particully helpful moralistic and judgmental hang up it still manifests within our society.
I managed to persuade to join in with my role play, the awkwardness of acting the religious fables taught to me as a child, seemed to bring humility to the protagonists and to disarm the stiff social codes of normal mother-daughter or daughter father relationships.